PAL’s role in the UK Adhesives Market

PAL provides a conduit between manufacturers (predominantly outside the UK) and users / OEMs / specialist resellers in the UK and Ireland. We use our knowledge of the latest adhesives technologies to source and supply the most appropriate products for all types of adhesive and sealant requirements.

Rather than just selling individual and ‘me too’ products, we also work in partnership with our customers and leading manufacturers to identify, develop and supply integrated systems and new adhesive based solutions. By access the resources and technical expertise of the world’s best adhesives specialists our customers can be confident they are getting best value in terms of product, price, performance and technical support.

PAL are part of the Tape Specialities Group, which has a proven track record of developing and supplying adhesive based systems to the world’s leading pharmaceutical and medical services companies. PAL Market Diagram

PAL Market Diagram